Use this tool to evaluate potential investment options in Mexico. This vacation rental property calculator is easy to use but can also be fine-tuned using option inputs to match your specific situation, city, or property type. When you start entering values into the beach house investment calculator, remember to be very conservative with your numbers. You don’t want to be too optimistic with your estimates and end up disappointed down the road. Download the spreadsheet below, and let us know if there is anything we can do to improve it!
Short-term rentals earn up to 3x more than traditional long-term rentals. Thevacation rental calculator helps keep a running tally of the most common expenses of owning and managing an STR property. Finding a great rental manager is the key to success for marketing, maintenance, and managing renters. Here are the primary uses for our vacation rental ROI calculator:
- First-time owners looking to answer the question, “Is a short-term rental property profitable?”
- Investors and property managers looking to gauge the value of a new acquisition.
- Real estate agents looking to advise buyers.
- Investors analyzing the profit margin between long-term rents and short-term returns.
Below is a screenshot of what our vacation rental property calculator includes: