Minimum Length of Stay Restrictions for Vacation Rentals

Setting the minimum required nights for reservations in vacation rental properties requires a strategic approach to maximize revenue and occupancy rates. Here’s a breakdown of how we determine these requirements:

  1. Location and Season: Understanding the local market dynamics and seasonal variations is crucial. High-demand seasons may warrant longer minimum stays to capitalize on peak periods, while low season may require shorter minimum stays to attract bookings.
  2. Gradual Reduction Approach: By setting higher minimum night requirements for bookings far in advance, we ensure longer stays and better revenue potential. As the booking dates approach, gradually reducing the minimum nights encourages shorter stays and fills any remaining vacancies. By starting with higher minimum night requirements for distant dates and gradually lowering them closer to the arrival date, we adapt to evolving demand dynamics. For example, bookings made more than 12 months in advance could have a high minimum night requirement, such as 21-30 nights. As the booking window shortens, minimum night requirements decrease accordingly, with 6 months in advance requiring 10 nights, 3 months needing 5 nights, and finally, within 1 month, lowering it to the standard 3 nights minimum.