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How to Reset Your Safe Code in 30s

What brand is the safe you are trying to reset?

In hotels or vacation rental properties, guests often have access to safes for securing their valuables. Here’s a concise guide on how to change safe codes:

  1. Access Code Change Function: This usually involves pressing a red reset button on the back of the safe door, which requires the safe to be open. If it is locked, you’ll need the master key to open it first.
  2. Set a New Code: Enter your desired new code and press “Enter” or something similar.
  3. Test the New Code: Verify that the new code works by attempting to lock the safe while the door is still open and then try opening it with the new PIN code.
  4. Close and Lock the Safe: Once you’ve successfully tested the new code, securely close and lock the safe.

This guide ensures that guests can enhance their security and have peace of mind during their stay at their hotel or vacation rental. Always consult the user manual and seek assistance if needed from property managers or owners for a trouble-free experience. Below are some instructional videos for some of the most popular brands, such as Yale, Sentry, or Amazon Basics.

Yale Code Reset

Sentry Safe Reset

Amazon Safe Code Reset
